The World’s First and Only Total Abundance Wellbeing Solution

To Be Abundantly Clear

Total “Abundance” Wellbeing is the number one priority. Yes, in both Life and Org. This is what we mean when we say Abundance is “Humanity’s Grandest Challenge









A Powerfully Simple 4-Step

Invest: Total Wellbeing

This world is addicted to partial answers and fragmented approaches. What the world needs more than ever are total solutions to Universal Grand Challenges. Abundance Day is a total solution for the total human. There are 3 to 12 things – essential elements – that govern every field in the universe. When it comes to Total Wellbeing, there are 12 essential elements

Live: Life-Work Imbalance

The idea of “work-life balance” has gained exponential traction. However, it’s deeply flawed. First, work comes before life. It should be the other way around. Life comes before work. Second, balance is stasis. Imbalance is love. We implore you to imbalance all 4 Routines (Morning, Work, After-Work, and Night) toward love and away from “loathe.

Work: Exponential Productivity

Our modern world is moving at an exponential speed. The modern human is powered by purpose, mastery, and autonomy. But our productivity is still primitive and linear. There is a way to be sophisticated and exponential. Three things are required:

• A new way to think about “life-work balance.”

• A new landscape to compete in.

• A new “unified theory of giving” where commitment is at the center of our identity, self-leadership, and leadership.

Play: 20Y Joy

Happiness is external. Joy is internal. Joy is more complex than an emotion, feeling, and mood. It is something you can practice, cultivate, and make a habit. There is a joy gap in Life. And there is a joy gap at work – a 63% joy gap. There doesn’t need to be. Joy is abundance 20 years faster. Joy is longevity 20 years longer

What’s your goal?

Career Paths are our most complete offering, with everything you need to land the job.

The Abundance Day Team


Norm Harshaw


Rick Justus Headshot

Rick Justus


Monique Justus

Monique Justus


Client Reviews

"Together, we can solve abundance for all of humanity by 2050"

-Rick Justus